Raven Creates Medical PPE Gowns for Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic


The pandemic situation has cast shadows of uncertainly, constraint, and anxiety throughout the world. However, moments of hope, positivity, and community support have also shined through during this difficult time — even right here at Raven Industries.

One week ago, we were approached by a local healthcare organization about our ability to create PPE gowns for medical staff who are fighting the coronavirus pandemic. We urgently aligned to prioritize this great need. Using film produced by Raven Engineered Films, our team at Raven Aerostar created a prototype that same day. After tweaking the design based on the hospital's feedback, then updating the layout and flow of our production process over the weekend, we have cut, sealed, finished, and packaged over 600 gowns in the last two days. And we are ramping up for more. In step with Raven Aerostar's mission to connect, protect, and save lives, we expect to produce tens of thousands of these potentially life-saving garments in the coming weeks.

To all frontline healthcare workers, and to our team members who swiftly rose to this great challenge, we humbly thank you. We're in this together.