At Raven, we are committed to building exceptional quality into our products. This commitment starts with our team members, who are engaged in making these quality products every day. Production Supervisor Annjeanel Marshall demonstrated her outstanding passion for quality, working many early-morning hours in the summer to help the Raven Aerostar manufacturing operations team meet key deadlines for our customers. Congratulations, Annjeanel, for being named this month's Team Member Spotlight winner!

Awarded for Excellence in Quality
Annjeanel puts quality first in her work as a production supervisor. She understands that quality is critical to the success of Raven Aerostar’s stratospheric balloons — and that the balloon shipments won’t happen unless the products are built correctly in the first place. She is a first responder to manufacturing deficiencies, taking the time to audit and verify that the desired level of craftsmanship is present throughout all stages of manufacturing. This behavior is key to driving internal containment and is a necessary part of prioritizing engineering activities. For balloon repair, she has an excellent grasp of risk management, often contributing ideas and recommendations as the material review process unfolds.
Her passion and dedication to quality showed in second-shift operations. This summer, she sacrificed her time, working many early-morning hours while the production cadence was running behind.
Balloons don’t come together and fly successfully without a high level of craftsmanship and integrity. Passion is also needed — and that is what makes Annjeanel a master balloon builder.
— Dennis Ganter, Quality Engineer, Raven Aerostar
Thank you, Annjeanel, for your unrelenting dedication to and passion for quality!