
Raven announced today that Raven Aerostar Technical Solutions was awarded a $5.7M contract to deliver TIF-25K® Aerostat Systems sparing hardware to six existing aerostat sites in Afghanistan. Raven Aerostar Technical Solutions was also awarded a $4.7M contract to deliver two TIF-25K Aerostat Systems and associated sparing hardware in support of two additional aerostat sites in Afghanistan. Both contracts will be delivered within the next 12 months.

We are dedicated to quality​ and continuous improvement ​in our service and processes at Raven. Raven Aerostar's Mary Palmer, Business Analyst I, and Paula Boschee, Contracts Manager, not only provide high-quality service; they have gone above-and-beyond to develop proposal and quotation development tools and processes that consistently generate top-notch proposals. Congratulations, Mary and Paula, for being named August's Team Member Spotlight winners!

A record-breaking stratospheric balloon mission was successfully completed last week, logging 223 days in flight. Designed and manufactured by Raven Aerostar, the Loon balloon circumnavigated the globe, spending most of its time testing...